CosineWave.NET Comic FAQ
- What is CosineWave.NET?
- It's a web comic about Max and his adventures in the office.
The company Max works for is called CosineWave.NET, a small
software and Internet services company.
- Who are the main characters?
- Max is the main character. He is a BOFH. Little
goes on in the office that Max doesn't know aobut.
- Joe is one of Max's best friends, and the Manager
of Software Architecture at CosineWave.NET.
- Sam is another good friend of Max. He's the
Manager of Software Engineering for CosineWave.NET.
- Who are the regular supporting characters?
- Kevin works in Sales and Marketing.
- Bob is the Vice President of Sales and
- Siobhan is the Vice President of Information
- When is the next strip coming?
- I don't know. I have lots of things I'm working on, so no
telling when I'll return to CosineWave.NET. I have strips
4 through 6 drawn and scanned but they need to be touched up
in the GIMP or Photoshop before they are put online. I drew
a strip 7 but I think I lost it.
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